I am determined to be an advocate, vocal and passionate, especially for those who are less advantaged. Please click on each of the buttons above to see more details about my positions. Here are my positions at a glance:
Equity and Social Justice- Many policies and practices inadvertently (and sometimes purposefully) continue to marginalize our most vulnerable populations. Our students and their families need representation regardless of their race, religion, personal identity, special needs, income or status.
Beyond Academics- While learning Math, English, Sciences, and Social Sciences is important to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, our education system is responsible for supporting the growth of the whole child. Our support providers such as instructional aids, counselors, nurses, psychologists, mentors, nutritionists, after-school program staff, coaches, and more need MORE resources to reach our students and families to ensure that each child's individual needs are being met in order to encourage their social, emotional, and intellectual health.
Curriculum and Instruction- Learning today is done in a student-centered environment where the classroom culture drives the learning as the teacher and support staff support and provide opportunities for deeper growth. Being a current classroom educator, I have first-hand contemporary experience for how 21st century instruction should look. As such, my experience as a teacher gives me the unique perspective to analyze best practices and curriculum instruction pedagogy and provide support to our teachers and support staff with ongoing professional development and materials that is research-based, relevant, and meaningful.
Facilities- Our schools are in varying degrees of disrepair. There are school-measure bonds for projects to make facility improvements. While it is *nice* to improve facilities in a way that make the community feel good (like new stadiums), many of our schools have pest issues, some have outdated HVAC systems and poor ventilation, and portable classrooms, that were meant to be temporary, in their second decade of use. Classrooms that are too hot, too cold, have insects, are not well ventilated, have poor lighting, have mold, or generally are outdated should be a top-priority of bond spending since our classrooms are the place where our students are spending the most of their time learning and growing.
Current Issues- The big conversation surrounding our schools at this time is related to COVID-19 and the return to learning. Let's be clear- just because facilities are closed does not mean SCHOOL is closed. Our schools provide so many critical services for our students, especially the most vulnerable, and having closed campuses is certainly a concern for these students. In making the decision to reopen campuses, we need creative thinking and problem solving to have the safest return to school possible. One tragedy due to COVID-19 spreading on campus is one too many. We need to weigh all the possibilities and base our decisions off of sound scientific data.
Values- I believe in the vision of our founding fathers, that government is meant to secure our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We need leadership at the local and state levels to represent and fight for our rural communities, and I feel that being a Trustee on the School Board is a great place to affect positive change in our community.
Being the change I want to see in the world...
Teachers have a very unique perspective of the positive and negative sides of society. I have always considered myself an advocate and strive to leave the world better than I find it. The changes I see in my students year-to-year inspire me to continue to grow and learn, so that I can continue to best support them. My perspective deepened this year when I became a mother. The decision to run for school board means that I run the risk of having to leave my position as a teacher in December, should you elect me. This was a heavy decision I had to weigh carefully, because I do care very deeply for my students each year. However, I feel that the time has become imperative to further my reach as a change-agent. Should I win this election, I will have 4 years to shape CUSD School Board policy to be more inclusive, more empathetic, and more equitable. My daughter will be starting TK in 4 years. My students this year will be Juniors and Seniors in 4 years. I can do so much more to deepen and broaden their educational experience in the long-term as a school board member, and that is what made me ultimately commit to enter this race. I am doing it for them and every other student who could benefit from having an advocate like me shaping CUSD Board policy.